External Recruitment Form


Unitemps is City, University of London's Student Recruitment Service

Hiring Manager Details

This will be the main timesheet approver for this role.

Temporary Role Details

Please enter the Job Title of the role you are looking to fill

Please enter how many temporary workers you are looking to hire.

Please note that any temp who works for you every week over a 12 week continual period will qualify for Agency Worker Regulations which are a legal employer requirement. Please speak to your Unitemps representative for more information.


Please enter the address that this role will be based at.

Recruitment Information (we use this to create the advert)

Please enter the main duties /responsibilities for this role. These can be copy and pasted from a job description.

Please be as specific as possible about what you are looking for as this is the criteria we use to shortlist.

Finance and Invoicing

Please note there will be 12.07% holiday pay, 13.8% National Insurance, and a negotiable fee (this is to cover administration costs; Unitemps are a non-profit organisation and all charges go back to City University and the students) on top of this.

Please enter the name of the person responsible for invoicing.

If same as location address, just state this.

AWR Regulations (Please Read)

From 1st October 2011 agency workers in Great Britain have the right to equal treatment in certain areas. 
An agency worker will be entitled to the same basic working and employment conditions as a comparable permanent employee.

Employer Rights from Day 1: An agency worker will be entitled to access the same facilities and job vacancies as a comparable permanent employee. 

Employer Rights after 12 weeks: An agency worker would be entitled to the same working and employment conditions as that of a comparable employee. These are:
- Equal Pay
- Commissions, Bonuses, Overtime
- Annual Leave
- Rest Periods and Breaks
- Night Work 

*Please ensure you fill in Agency Worker Regulations Information Request form which will be sent by your Unitemps account manager*

Responding to you:

Please enter the details of the person completing this form. An email with the details of the booking will be automatically sent to you when you press submit.


Careers Service

E125 Drysdale Building

T: +44 (0)20 7040 4684

W: http://www.unitemps.com