Thank you for taking the time to contact the City Community Legal Advice Centre (CityCLAC) about your case.
Unfortunately, we have no more appointments left in our general clinic (covering family, employment, general litigation, consumer, immigration and small business). We will re-open for these enquiries in mid April 2025.
However, our service remains open for school exclusion representation and housing disrepair enquiries. Please fill in the relevant form below:
If you need help with another area of law, please click below for a guide containing a list of other sources of help.
CityCLAC - Referral Guide - v3.pdf
Important: Please note that some claims (for example employment) come with a short time limit, you may lose the right to take a case forward If you do not meet the deadline.
If your case is urgent, we suggest using the referral guide to obtain an earlier appointment from another organisation.
We will reopen for new client enquiries from mid-April 2025.
Yours faithfully,
The City Community Legal Advice Centre Team