Extra Mile idea submission form

The Extra Mile strand of the Sustainable City Challenge gives you the chance to work on an activity,  campaign or event of your choice. The Extra Mile project should improve the environmental and/or social sustainability within or beyond your department.

You can earn up to 5 points for your Extra Mile project. Projects which engage more people or encourage people to change their behaviours will score more highly.

There is funding available from the Sustainability Team for resources or support needed to complete your project.

All completed Extra Mile projects completed by end of May 2023 will be eligible to win the Extra Mile Project of the Year award.

Not sure about your Sustainable City Challenge team? Take a look at the list here: Team list 

Want to know more about the Global Goals? Find out what they're about and how you can support them here: The Global Goals 

Thanks for telling us about your project!

Don't forget to click submit at the bottom of the page to complete the form. 

Sustainable Development Goals wheel

The following answers are not required for completion of the form, but may help you to plan your project. We will send you a copy of your form once you have submitted it so you can refer back to it at a later stage.