Weston Olencki and Laura Cocks: held threads: FATHM (21 February 2025, 7pm)
We ask that each concert guest register separately, so we can email all attendees our booking information and advice for guests. Thank you.
About You
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Last Name:
Email address:
(Optional) Postcode:
Your postcode is used for City's market research and will never be shared with any third parties.
Which of the following are you?
City student
City staff member
Concession / unwaged
Access requirements
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(for example, wheelchair access, or assistance):
Staying in touch
Can we contact you with details of future concerts via our monthly mailing list?
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No thanks.
I already receive your mailings.
Your email address will be used for this purpose only and will never be passed on to any third parties.
(Optional) Please let us know where you heard about this event:
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Listings on the University website
Email invitation / newsletter
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